The Perfect Fit

Our mission is to make you reach your goal. With the Perfect Fit, we provide you with a personalised exercise routine and 1:1 support to get you there.
Our members have access to our industry qualified fitness professionals—at no extra cost. And, unlike other gyms, we don’t charge for 1:1 sessions*.
Starting out, we invite you for a consultation to chat about your goals. Where do you see yourself in two months? What made you decide to join? Is there a holiday or a wedding on the horizon? Perhaps you just want to feel better about yourself.
It’s important to know your own goal. If you can tell our experts, not only will we start you on your fitness journey, we’ll be there to make the adventure a successful one. No more failing; no more giving up! Together, we’ll find success.
The Perfect Fit is included in our monthly Health and Fitness Membership and provides ongoing support for your fitness journey. We can offer advice on many health and fitness topics including exercise progression, technique, nutrition, weight management, and more.
You can book your Perfect Fit online, or alternatively contact your local leisure centre for further information
Children aged 12-15 are required to complete the Junior Perfect Fit before they are allowed to use the gym. This process follows the same steps as the standard Perfect Fit but is required to prove competency for safe use. JPF sessions last from 30 minutes to one hour; and follow up sessions may be required if our gym staff think it is necessary for safety.
The Perfect Fit is available to non-members at cost (limited to three 1:1 appointments, with further sessions payable per appointment.)